Those who are doing Camp NaNo this April are half way through.
I hope all participants are writing and writing and writing, and getting their 50000 words done and, following DWS, ready for publication (See his articles on Killing Myths and Writing into the Dark).
I chose not to sign up this year, thinking I'd have to plead too much other work. Then, as it always does, life comes along, and since the first, I've gotten a 16000 word side story written, and a couple thousand words of rewriting on Discoveries, and then another 4000 words into Princess. So, nearly 25000 words and I would have no time for it! It's not DWS pace of 4000 words per day, but it's more than I expected.
Time will tell if the rest of the month is as productive. I'm waiting for feedback on the "last" version of Discoveries, after those edits it'll be available.
By word count, Princess should be about half done. We'll see when I get closer to the end how accurate that is.
I do not plan to develop a line of adult coloring books (grin).
Best wishes for those doing Camp NaNo! May the experience be the first step to your writing life.
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