Updated 5 Sep, data from 1 September.
Since Blogger won’t properly handle an internal link, I’ve reordered the updates to put the latest on top. Older ones are below the text.
When we did this last time:
As of (9/1), the WIPs, along with my plans for them, are
• The Faux Princess (Dragons Run My Life, Book One): 111 490 words. No change.
• The True Princess (Dragons Run My Life, Book Two): 106 324 words; draft is complete. On 9/1, received comments back from reader; problems. I’ve started a new version as a result. Plan for revisions to be done in September.
• The Voyages Home (Dragons Run My Life, Book Three): 22 255 words; draft underway, although on hold for now til True Princess is revised, as the changes will affect it as well. I hope to have the draft complete by mid-October.
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 51 508 words, the first breakthrough occurred; now to put some meat on the bones. Plan to finish draft in October.
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 109 912 words; sent the first half (57 000+ words) back on 8/15 to see if the issues have been addressed. On hold til those comments are back.
• Amerith (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 19 900 word; no change.
• Rhion Prequel (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 6 042 words; no change.
For reference, here’s last month’s status.
July: As of (8/1), the WIPs along with my plans for them, are
• The Faux Princess (Dragons Run My Life, Book One): 111 490 words. Took care of the few questions and said, that’s done.
• The True Princess (Dragons Run My Life, Book Two): 106 324 words; draft is complete. Reread and revised, and sent to beta reader on August 5.
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 49 336 words, the understanding of where the story is isn’t complete.
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 104 578 words; Received comments back, fixing is started.
• Amerith (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 19 900 words; last questions answered and it’s done.
• Rhion Prequel (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 6 042 words; done.
Here’s August’s work:
I wrote 35 025 original words in June, averaging 1130 per day, with thirteen days of writing nothing. That’s about 1945 words each day I did write, which, though less than last month, would still have been fine if I’d kept it going. The short title is at the right. The thirteen days of no writing were mostly spent worrying about the problems in Low Places.
What happened?
The beginning of the month, I tried to see the problems in Low Places and design corrections. That took the first week; making the changes took through to the 15th, when I packaged the partial draft up and mailed it to my reader. Of course, she has her own work and life (I know; imagine that!) and not only that, but she was getting started on True Princess.
While futzing around with Low Places, I reread True Princess once again, and sent it to my reader on August 5.
Bottom line: Most of my WIPs are on hold now, waiting to see where things stand vis a vis the problems. I have the old Princess story to work on (and retitle!), but I think this will be a month of catching up on my TBR list (thank you Fiction River and StoryBundle!) and working out more backstory and world-building questions in the Faux Princess world.
As always, comments and opinions welcome.
The spreadsheet: Created by Svenja. See svenjaliv.com for more info and resources, including a free online word meter. All images are © 2011-2016 SvenjaLiv (http://svenjaliv.com).
Earlier updates:
June: As of (7/1), the four WIPs along with my plans for them, are
• The Faux Princess (Dragons Run My Life, Book One): 111 343 words. To my reader on June 6; comments back and revisions complete. A few more q for the reader, and this one will be finished.
• The True Princess (Dragons Run My Life, Book Two): 94 750 words; draft is not complete. Two more scenes; I can see the end. The title has changed because I liked where the characters ran off to. Update July 6: Draft complete.
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 49 370 words, began understanding where the story is; draft complete by July 30,
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 100 178 words; almost no work. First read to beta by July 6.
• Amerith (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 19 848 words; sent to beta June 6. Comments received and incorporated; Q’s back to reader by July .6
• Rhion Prequel (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 6 018 words; sent to beta June 6. Comments received and incorporated.
May: As of 6/1, the four WIPs along with my plans for them, are
• The Faux Princess (Dragons Run My Life, Book One): 115 518 words. Did the revisions, but need to reread, then to my reader by June 5
• The Voyages Home (Dragons Run My Life, Book Two): 62 162 words; draft is not complete. Now plan by June 30.
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 51 000 words, no change; draft complete by July 30,
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 99 247 words; corrected most significant problems; revising. First read to beta by June 15,
• Amerith (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 19 848 words; proof and send to beta by June 5, and
• Rhion Prequel (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 6 018 words; proof and send to beta by June 5.
April: As of 5/1, the four WIPs along with my plans for them, are
• The Faux Princess: 110 651 words. Found even more holes with the aid of my reader; plug them with the revision to beta by May 15
• The Voyages Home: 37 735 words; draft may be complete by May 15, but more likely, the 30th;
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 51 000 words, no change; draft complete by June 30,
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 99 053 words; found significant problems; revising. First read to beta by May 30,
• Amerith (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 19 854 words; proof and send to beta by May 15, and
• Rhion Prequel (A Dragons Run My Life Addenda): 6 013 words; proof and send to beta by May 15.
March: As of 4/1, the four WIPs along with my plans for them, are
• The Faux Princess: 108 807 words. Went over notes from my reader. Revisions complete by April 20; return to beta by April 30.
• The Voyages Home: 13834 words; draft complete by May 15;
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 51 000 words, no change; draft complete by April 30, and
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 96 958 words; proof and send to beta by April 15.
February: As of 3/1, the four WIPs, along with my plans for them, are:
• The Faux Princess: 90 954 words was sent to beta reader Jan 30; notes came back by 2/12 and have lain waiting for Low Places to be complete. Goal is to have it ready to publish by 3/31.
• The Voyages Home: 8382 words; draft complete by April 30;
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 51 000 words, no change; draft complete by April 30, and
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 81 365 words; failed to complete draft by Feb 15. The goal is now to have the draft by 3/15, and on to my long suffering beta ready by 3/31.
January: As of 2/1, the four WIPs along with my plans for them, are:
• The Faux Princess: 90 956 words, sent to beta reader Jan 30;
• The Voyages Home: 2500 words, no change; draft complete by April 30;
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 51 000 words, no change; draft complete by April 30, and
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 65 932 words, still on track to complete draft by Feb 15.
As of 1/23, the four WIPs along with my plans for them:
• The Faux Princess: 91 300 words, to beta reader by Jan 31;
• The Voyages Home: 2500 words, draft complete by April 30;
• Princess (A Beckie and Ian story): 51 000 words, draft complete by April 30, and
• Low Places (A Beckie and Ian story): 50 000 words, draft complete by Feb 15.